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Kel McBride, MLS, CEOLS

Kel McBride has a mission to help others plan for the trinity of life: birth, initmacy, and death. A veteran, “starter-of-things", she recently embraced her identity as the Lively Death Lady and launched her business, Clearly Depart. Through her company, Kel offers workshops and personal consultation from health care to legacy. She assists clients in considering all their options, formalizing their wishes in writing and coordinating the resources and individuals needed for finalizing end-of-life plans.  Kel strives to promote a healthy death through “Death Changing Experiences”.

Clearly Depart

Justin Magnuson, MA

Justin Magnuson’s life work is to change our cultural approach to the end-of-life. Inspired by being his grandmother’s health care surrogate and years of hospice volunteering, Justin works in the Louisville community on several fronts to accomplish this goal. He started by hosting Death Cafes and facilitating The Conversation Project in 2014, since then he has collaborated with kindred spirits on National Healthcare Decisions Day events and co-founded the city’s first Before I Die Festival in 2016.

Living Fully

Deborah Tuggle, MN, APRN, CCNS, FCCM

Deborah Tuggle is a Clinical Nurse Specialist with 40 years of experience in critical care. She is a published author, national speaker, local Alzheimer’s Association Board member, and Director of her company, Critical Care Consults. Deb has witnessed the death and dying experience of many patients in the ICU. In addition, her mother had Alzheimer’s disease for over 20 years before death ended her suffering.  Deb has a heart for motivating people to plan for the end-of-life so they aren’t caught in a healthcare system that often focuses on extending life without regard for quality.

Critical Care Consultants

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